Lead Master Integration Team
Master Integrators has over 100 years of integration experience.
Our team specializes reselling Central Station services to security and fire alarm companies at a much more reasonable wholesale rate. Master Integrators also provides the most advanced cloud based user managed application programming interface services for security alarm, fire alarm, access control, video surveillance, GPS/tracking and custom sensor systems.
Our engineering team can help other Master Integrators apply custom sensor systems to track and account for anything thru a local area network or on a cellular module. Sensor tracking measurements include; High or Low Heat Temperature, Humidity, Dew Point, Gravity, Motion, GPS location, AC or DC current, high or low voltage, vibration, normally open or closed circuit and many more. End Users can set thresholds on values in cloud API to send alerts and/or notifications. Data can be stored in the cloud for years. Thresholds and engineering formulas can be integrated from multiple sensor values to predict failure. Master Integrators cloud based advanced sensor system is only available to qualified licensed individuals and engineers.
Please make contact to join our Master Integration team. Master Integrators are given a opportunity to build a portfolio of clients with solutions available. Master Integrators are paid directly from clients and charged a wholesale cost for solutions. Unlike most integrators, Master Integrators receive the residual benefit that is most rewarding and profitable.
Master Integrators strongly believe a new generation of cloud based security solutions are among us. Master Integrators handle and receive payments directly from their clients for life of service agreement in trade for making sure solution is functional and operational.
Looking for new Master Integrators & Lead Master Integrators on a global basis.
Brandon Walter Adams
Founding Master Integrator
Brandon is dual licensed by the state of Texas for private security and commercial fire alarm. Brandon is a private engineer with a degree from the University of Texas at Austin. Brandon holds a Private Security Bureau Qualified Manager License with the Texas Department of Public Safety. Brandon is well versed in all burglar alarm, fire alarm, access control, video surveillance, asset tracking and sensor systems. Brandon has 20 years experience providing security solutions and gathering clients. Brandon has help his team obtain over 50,000 subscriptions nationwide. Brandon is also lead website designer builder for Master Integrators. Brandon is a expert consultant for new business concept strategy implementation & marketing in the security system/s solutions industry.
Zeke Peinado
Head Master Integrator
Zeke is dual licensed by the state of Texas for private security and fire alarm. Zeke is NICET III licensed certified fire alarm system/s planner and specialist in Texas. Zeke is also a Licensed Qualified Manager by the Texas Department of Public Safety. Zeke has over 20 years of experience providing security solutions and gathering clients. Zeke is the Master Integrators commercial fire alarm and code specialist. Zeke is also a licensed by the Texas Department of Insurance as a Fire Alarm Instructor with the Texas Burglar & Fire Alarm Association . Zeke serves as a expert consultant in litigation involving loss from fire.
Felipe Granados
Lead Master Integrator
Felipe is working to obtain dual license by the state Texas for private security and fire alarm. Felipe specializes in enterprise cloud based burglar alarm, access control and video surveillance.
Jay Phipps
Lead Master Integrator
Jay is dual licensed by the state Texas for private security and fire alarm. Jay specializes in enterprise cloud based burglar alarm, fire alarm, access control and video surveillance.
Scott Slaughter
Lead Master Integrator
Scott is dual licensed by the state of Texas for private security and fire alarm. Scott specializes in enterprise cloud based burglar alarm, fire alarm, access control and video surveillance.
Next Steps...
Master Integrators is owned and operated by team. Master Integrators was built for the private independent integrator to thrive.
Join the most rewarding integration program on this planet!
Our Approach
Licensed Professionals
Master Integrators is only available to licensed qualified individuals. Solutions provided by Master Integrators require license and or training for resale. Please contact Master Integrators for the next training and or questions about team.
Our Story
Master Intergrators wants all team members to be most successful. Master Integrators are expected to hold license, if required, and be competent in solutions provided to managed clients.