Does existing POS system have a VGA, RCA, HDMI screen. Your POS system might operate on Apple or Droid device. Master Integrators can record screen of Point of Sale system screen onto cloud video surveillance service. Master Integrators can place video surveillance camera to capture business sales transactions overhead. Business owners can account their business transactions and errors or otherwise. Protect your bottom line with the Master Integrators Point of Sale Accountability Video Service. Master Integrators by Master Integrators can store video Point Of Sale activity for 7 days, 14 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days, 180 days, 1 year, 2 years or 5 years. Cloud based firmware & software solutions that will outpreform clucky NVR and DVR hardware. Our video surveillance platform is highly encrypted, white labeled and video data is triple redundant.
Professional cloud video surveillance security camera with application Eagle Eye Viewer or thru desktop computer. Cloud video surveillance security camera products and service are sold at discount with monitoring service by Master Integrators. Whether you’re using a smartphone, tablet, or computer, a click or two is all you’ll ever need to check into your cloud video surveillance cameras.
Master Integrators will be glad to demo Eagle Eye Networks in your home or business at no cost for one month, must have existing cameras and/or existing camera wire . Please make contact with Master Integrators for details.
Eagle Eye Networks is a professional cloud video surveillance camera service by Master Integrators. With Master Integrators and Eagle Eye Networks you have limited to no installation fees and cameras are under warranty to work for as long as you keep service. Viewing your cloud video surveillance security camera system thru application and or URL is simple and much more efficient than a NVR or DVR. Master Integrators has made next generation cloud video surveillance cloud security camera service most reasonable, affordable and professional.
Eagle Eye Networks has designed the critical redundancies that are needed for the professional cloud video surveillance camera system market. Eagle Eye Networks video surveillance cloud and service will always continue to improve. Eagle Eye Networks is a software / firmware solution that can be updated / upgraded for future technology and higher retention formats.. Further, Eagle Eye Networks cloud video surveillance security camera service has the most diverse user function and control.
Eagle Eye Networks is compatible with just about ALL professional POE IP video surveillance cameras. Master Integrators recommends Eagle Eye Networks security cameras with Eagle Eye Networks service. If you already have video surveillance security cameras POE, IP or analog cameras on site, the Eagle Eye Networks system will work with existing video surveillance security cameras, to avoid expensive security camera replacement.
Always stay connected to what matters with a Eagle Eye Networks professional cloud video surveillance security camera system by Master Integrators. Professional Hard Wired Burglar Alarm, Fire Alarm, Access Control & Video Surveillance Solutions by Master Integrators.
Eagle Eye Networks cloud video surveillance security cameras keep track of the people and places you care about most in brilliant HD video and sound.
Eagle Eye Networks API provides live viewing from your smartphone and/or computer. Eagle Eye Networks can be configured to send notification alerts straight to you when motion is detected. Place video surveillance cameras in hard-to-reach places, indoor or outdoor, and watch over your home or business from anywhere.
Point Of Sale Cloud Video Surveillance Integration by Master Integrators.
Video Point of Sale Integration with Eagle Eye Networks.
Please contact Master Integrators to review the Point Of Sale Integration by Master Integrators Services